All in Mental Health

AT EASE: Mindfulness Framework | Mental Health Awareness Month

To honor Mental Health Awareness Month, I'll be sharing different insights and approaches to help you cultivate greater mental and emotional awareness. Because it's not what we think and feel that's necessarily troublesome, it's how we relate to what we think and feel.

In this week's episode I talk about the importance of incorporating mindfulness into our day-to-day life, and offer you a framework to practice bringing a conscious awareness to your experience. And if you want to learn more about this model and how to integrate mindfulness into your life, sign up to receive the six-day At Ease: Mobilizing Mindfulness mini-course for FREE!

Seeing From the Heart | A Love Letter

What gets in the way of seeing and speaking from your heart? What keeps you from saying what you need? Throughout our lifetimes, we're repeatedly confronted with solving the problem of how to overcome our loneliness. Going inward to solve the problem of feeling alone, we may find ourselves withdrawing from others, and giving up on cultivating deep connections. With the heart in mind, we can recalibrate our sight and see where a deeper connection lies.

What's Essential is Invisible to the Eye | A Life-Saving Mindfulness Practice

Most of our lives we pay attention to what's physically present in front of us. But there's something essential that's invisible to the eye that we forget about. In this episode I take you through a life-saving mindfulness practice that I used one year ago while in the hospital. By the end of this episode, you’ll know how to re-orient yourself to a life of compassion, courage, and love even when it feels difficult to do so.

The Value of Acceptance | Opening Up to Life

Often we don't see the value in acceptance. We think of acceptance as giving up, or giving in to the things we don't like. But that's not the case! Think of acceptance as a skill that'll help you keep your feet moving through life's difficulties. You don't have to like what's upsetting you, but you do have a choice with how you'll be with what you don't like. When we accept the reality of what's present, we find ways to be more open and flexible with our pain and suffering.

By the end of this episode you'll have a better understanding of what it means to embrace what life is offering you, and the importance of saying yes to it.